Integrated policy of environmental protection, quality, health and safety at work.
Being a manufacturer of enclosures for a variety of industries we adhere to policy of trustworthy supplier. We furnish our customers with services and products of agreed value. The merchandise and services we offer are delivered within an established time frame, at favorable price.
Designing the quality level of our output we peruse minimal adverse impact on natural environment and put emphasis on safety at work, safety of customers sand safety of society in general.
Goals of the integrated management system.
A vast array of integrated management system features:
- offering and selling only commodities which are accepted by customers
- fulfilling customers’ needs and expectations at consideration effective regulations on
- protection of natural environment and health and safety at work
- strengthening and solidifying company’s position in the market as well as satisfying demands of IT technology and industrial customers
- widening the offer of the company with new domains
- preventing contamination of environment and limiting adverse impact on natural habitat
- sensible exploitation of raw materials
- preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases
- refining the level of health and safety at work
Implementation of the established goals.
The implementation of the established goals is achieved through:
- observing effective laws
- continuous refinement of the integrated management system
- systematic training aimed at upgrading labour qualifications
- improving organization and production methods in the purpose of enhancement product quality, working conditions and environment protection
- analyzing customers’ feedback and reacting to it
I declare commitment in adhering to and constant improvement of integrated management system well as allotting essential means for implementing the established policy.